Inquiry For Liaison Service
Sector abcCivil WorksTender ValueINR 79.65 Crore approx.
LocationGujarat - India Ref.No80065622
Closing Date03 - Feb - 2025
Ugd with Stp Under Sjmmsvy and Wss Under Amrut 2.0 (3rd Invitation) - Bid Documents for Under Ground Drainage Design, Construction and O and M of Sewer Collecting System, House Service Connection, Pumping Station, Pumping Machinery, Electrical Work, Pumping Main, 10.91 Mld Sewage Treatment Plant and Compound Wall with O & M Mangrol Nagarpalika, Dist. Junagadh and Design, Build and Operate Contract for Providing, Lowering, Laying, Jointing, Supply of Di K-7 , 9, Pvc 6 Kg/cm2 , Hdpe Pipeline Network (gravity, Rising Main , Distribution Network) and Supply, Installation, Testing , Commissioning of Hscf Pumps with Associated Mechanical and Electrical Equipment’s, Instruments and Accessories with Construction of 19.0 Mld Wtp, Compound Wall, House Connection with Operation & Maintenance for One Year of All Type Civil Structures and Mechanical Instruments for Mangrol Water Supply Scheme, Taluka Mangrol, Dist. Junagadh, Gujarat
Mangrol Ugd with Stp Under Sjmmsvy and Mangrol Wss Under Amrut 2.0 3rd Invitation - Bid Documents for Under Ground Drainage Design, Construction and O and M of Sewer Collecting System, House Service Connection, Pumping Station, Pumping Machinery, Electrical Work, Pumping Main, 10.91 Mld Sewage Treatment Plant and Compound Wall with O and M Mangrol Nagarpalika, Dist. Junagadh and Design, Build and Operate Contract for Providing, Lowering, Laying, Jointing, Supply of Di K-7 , 9, Pvc 6 Kg Per Cm2 , Hdpe Pipeline Network Gravity, Rising Main , Distribution Network and Supply, Installation, Testing , Commissioning of Hscf Pumps with Associated Mechanical and Electrical Equipments, Instruments and Accessories with Construction of 19.0 Mld Wtp, Compound Wall, House Connection with Operation and Maintenance for One Year of All Type Civil Structures and Mechanical Instruments for Water Supply Scheme,
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