Ref. No. : 69884082   
Company Name : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Product Detail : Auction Sale of 120770000000000000 Cr (fhu) Coil Category-i 55.750 Road 4310-ptb1 01, 11055902 Pl-b1-0190, ( 55.750 Ton'. Cr (fhu) Coil Category-i ), 2 115570000000000000 Cr Steel Coil End-hard 24.000 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11056181 Pl-c2-0731 , ( 24.000 Ton'. Cr Steel Coil End-hard ), 3 115570000000000000 Cr Steel Coil End-hard 28.550 Road 4310-ptc1 01, 11056182 Pl-c1-0233, ( 28.550 Ton'. Cr Steel Coil End-hard ), 4 115570000000000000 Cr Steel Coil End-hard 43.950 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11056186 Pl-c2-0736, ( 43.950 Ton'. Cr Steel Coil End-hard ), 5 115490000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-1 Road 4310-pte2 01, 62.870 Pl-e2-0938 , 11056030, ( 7.400 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Category-1 0.50 , Mm ) , ( 40.420 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap, Category-1 0.63 Mm ) , ( 15.050 Ton'. Saleable Gp, Scrap Category-1 0.80 Mm ), 6 115490000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-1 63.600 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11056110 Pl-e2-0962, ( 15.270 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Category-1, 0.50 Mm ), ( 43.715 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap, Category-1 0.63 Mm ) , ( 4.615 Ton'. Saleable Gp, Scrap Category-1 0.80 Mm ), 7 115490000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-1 62.065 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11056177 Pl-e2-0960, ( 16.185 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Category-1 , 0.40 Mm ) , ( 45.880 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap , Category-1 0.63 Mm ), 8 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii 61.835 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11055887 Pl-e2-0939 , ( 61.835 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & , Below) ) , , 9 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii 63.515 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11055949 Pl-e2-0932 , ( 63.515 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & , Below) ) , , 10 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii 65.025 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11055950 Pl-e2-0940 , ( 61.075 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & , Below) ) , ( 3.950 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-b , (1.0mm to 1.6mm) ), 11 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii Road 4310-pte2 01, 62.480 Pl-e2-0965 , 11056111, ( 51.900 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & , Below) ) , ( 10.580 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-b , (1.0mm to 1.6mm) ) , , 12 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii 67.105 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11056112 Pl-e2-0966 , ( 67.105 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & Below) ), 13 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii Road 4310-pte2 01, 65.655 Pl-e2-0926, 11056178, ( 11.140 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Category-c , 0.50 Mm ) , ( 54.515 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a , (0.8 Mm & Below) ) , , 14 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii 61.490 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11056179 Pl-e2-0950, ( 57.665 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & , Below) ) , ( 3.825 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-b , (1.0mm to 1.6mm) ) , 15 115500000000000000 Saleable Gp Scrap Category-ii 62.525 Road 4310-pte2 , 11056180 Pl-e2-0935 , ( 58.855 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-a (0.8 Mm & , Below) ) , ( 3.670 Ton'. Saleable Gp Scrap Cat-b , 16 120000000000000001 Hr Coils Category-i From Hsm2 62.610 Road 4310-pte2 01, 11055890 Pl-e2-0905 , ( 62.610 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i From Hsm2 ), 17 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 47.050 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11055908 Pl-c2-0707, ( 47.050 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ) , , 18 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 64.600 Road 4310-ptb1 01, 11055910 Pl-b1-0191 , ( 64.600 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ) , , 19 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 44.000 Road 4310-ptc1 01, 11055911 Pl-c1-0202 , ( 44.000 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ), 20 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 61.700 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11055940 Pl-c2-0700 , ( 61.700 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ), 21 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 48.800 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11055941 Pl-c2-0701, ( 48.800 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ), 22 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 58.300 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11056012 Pl-c2-0703, ( 58.300 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ), 23 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 63.750 Road 4310-ptc2 01, 11056013 Pl-c2-0702, ( 63.750 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ), 24 120000000000000000 Hr Coils Category-i 65.550 Road 4310-ptd1 01, 11056113 Pl-d1-0382 , ( 65.550 Ton'. Hr Coils Category-i ) , , 25 126520000000000000 Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii From Hsm-2 26.300 Road 4310-ptb1 01, 11055865 Pl-b1-0103 , ( 26.300 Ton'. Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii , From Hsm-2 ), 26 126520000000000000 Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii From Hsm-2 29.500 Road 4310-ptd2 01, 11055954 Pl-d2-0880, ( 29.500 Ton'. Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii , From Hsm-2 ) , , 27 126520000000000000 Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii From Hsm-2 33.100 Road 4310-ptd2 01, 11056187 Pl-d2-0824 , ( 33.100 Ton'. Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii , From Hsm-2 ) , , 28 126520000000000000 Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii From Hsm-2 67.200 Road 4310-ptd2 01, 11056188 Pl-d2-0823, ( 67.200 Ton'. Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii , From Hsm-2 ) , 29 126520000000000000 Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii From Hsm-2 22.050 Road 4310-ptb1 01, 11056232 Pl-b1-0176 , ( 22.050 Ton'. Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii , From Hsm-2 ), 30 120090000000000000 Hr Plate Cuttings Category-ii 28.730 Road 4310-ptc1 01, 11055903
Tender Location : Orissa (Odisha) - India
Document Path : Can be viewed by Subscribers
Tender EMD : INR 100000
Tender Closing Date : 1/04/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Tender Opening Date : 1/04/2024 at 00:00 Hrs.
Sub-Industry/Industry : Other Metal Products - Iron and Steel   
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