Product Detail :
Supply of siemens card etc. (detailed description as per item description) sechdule item no 14. supply of e1/pri card (diun2/diut2) for simens hipath - 4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]sechdule item no 17. supply of luna2 power supply unit for simens hipath - 4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]schedule item no 11 .supply of hdcf card s30810-q2319_100-7 for siemens exchange hipath 4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]schedule item no 10 .supply of dscxl control card ,for siemens exchange hipath 4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]schedule item no. 13. supply of analog subscriber card (slmae) for siemens hipath -4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]schedule item no 12. supply of dcpci p/s for server for siemens hipath -4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]sechdule item no 15. supply of hdd-80 gb seagate for simens hipath - 4000(pn9s1038-308) [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]sechdule item no 16. supply of compact flash card for simens hipath - 4000 [ warranty period 36 months after the date of delivery ] ]
Tender Detail : |
supply of siemens card etc. (detailed description as per item description) |